Account Deletion
If you wish to request that your account information with easyfinancial, easyhome, or LendCare be deleted, then please write to:
goeasy Ltd.
33 City Centre Drive, Floor 5, Mississauga, ON L5B 2N5
Attention: Customer Service – Deletion Request
To ensure that we are able to properly assess your request, please include the following information:
First and Last Name
Which business(es) you are making the request to: easyfinancial, easyhome, or LendCare
Account Number(s) (if applicable)
Phone Number
Upon receipt of your request, we may need to contact you to obtain additional information. Please note, we will not be unable to fulfill your request if you are a current customer, and in other circumstances may not be able to fulfill your request due to our corporate policies or regulatory and legal obligations. For more information, please visit our online Privacy Policy.